
Marine Dredging

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What is Marine Dredging Process?

Sea dredging is a process applied to deepen the sea floor level. It is applied in places such as sea discharge lines, ports and shipyards. Before starting the sea dredging process, it is necessary to perform the permission procedures from a number of relevant official institutions by the owner of the facility. In the inspection, which is the first step to be done for the realization of the sea bottom dredging application after the relevant permit procedures are carried out, the application area is examined, the equipment to be used is determined and planning is made. In the next stage, mobilization, the necessary information is notified to the employer by determining the equipment-application area distance and calculating the working time. Then bathometry is performed. This process is done twice, before and after the dredging application. This is the depth measurement made in the scanning area. After the operations are performed, the scan area amount is calculated by calculating the difference between the two operations. Then scanning is performed. Unless there is an obstacle or exceptional situation, the process is carried out in accordance with the amount of time calculated during the mobilization phase. Finally, the demobilization process, that is, the completion of the necessary application, the evacuation of the relevant employer personnel and equipment from the work area, and the scanning process is terminated.
